Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Use junk mail, junk faxes or any other paper that you would otherwise throw away as scrap paper!

PureFUN! is an active player in the game of "using paper that would be thrown away as scrap paper."  In fact, many of the national ladies cannot survive without it!

It contributes in saving beautiful trees and saves Todd on buying paper or notebooks for us!

Yay for scrap paper!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lunch N Learn

Every month Todd treats the whole company to lunch at our monthly "Lunch N Learn." At the Lunch N Learn we get to sit down together and connect as a team. Todd shares all of the important updates going on in the company.

Today is our annual April PureFUN! Lunch N Learn. I am excited, I love getting time with the whole company!

Go PureFUN!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


When buying anything from lightbulbs, heating and cooling systems, home appliances, and even computers look for the Energy Star icon.

Energy Star products use 20 to 40% less energy than the standard.


Instead of replacing the trash bags in your center or house each time you take out the trash...try keeping the same bag in your smaller trash cans for extended periods of time. Dump the trash into a larger bag when it is trash day.

Keep a designated trash can for food and drinks...things that would cause the need for a bag to be thrown away.

This will save money, carbon that is emitted when the trash bags are manufactured, and will help with the issue of recycling plastic. Maybe it would even save a little time too!

Why not?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Staff Profile: Amy Bowman

Amy has been with PureFUN! as the National Sales Supervisor for almost three years now. Lucky for me my desk is right next to her office! Almost every morning she comes in and has a new fun story to tell about one of her family members. Her daughter Hannah, who is five years old, is so cute! She has the funnest personality. Amy always has some crazy story to tell about her pets (an African Grey Parrot and 3 dogs), her fun-loving daughter, her teenage son (Dallas), and her sweet husband. They make such a great family! I have babysat for her a couple times and know from experience. Amy is such a great addition to the PureFUN! team. She is laid back, smart, and has a great sense of humor; I love her laugh. And beautiful curly hair!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New Boss?

Todd better watch out....
Jerry looks awfully exceptional at his desk.